Spiritual Healer Emotional Healer Distance Energy Healing Energy Healer Kennebunk Portland Maine near Portsmouth NH
Selecting the Healing Partnership that works best for You ...
Please do not continue to struggle. Struggle/pain carry you away from who you are truly here to be! We are each important, none moreso than the other. Reconnect or move forward to that better version of yourSELF now ... I offer a range of assistance, from low-cost on-demand targeted intuitive healing sessions, to customized in-person and Zoom/Skype/phone distance sessions, to working with you or your family/group in-person at your location. Please note the packages I offer not only offer you a lower per-session fee, our extended work and your commitment will help ensure your success!
My Healing Resonance llc and Perspective Reboot® process offers love-based, high-frequency integrative healing. Frequently my clients have not been helped by "traditional"/"modern medicine". Why focus soley on the physical when we are so much more than a body? The body is the vessel for spirit/energy/consciousness while we live here on Earth.
"Kristi Healed Not Only My Body But Also a Long-Term, Deep Emotional Wound" Joan
The level of healing, release, activation work I offer is of a very high order ... assisting on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well as the physical. I am not employing someone else's method I have been taught; I merge with Source/Creator/God and in that space of total unconditional love "the work" takes place.
With my cleints' consent, I am able to tap into their unique vibration, life path, traumas, self-limiting beliefs, etc. for a truly customized healing process. We are each unique composites of mind-body-spirit-emotions ... why not experience healing that's uniquely geared to YOU!?!
I am offering limited in-person sessions in Wells, Maine. I also offer distance spiritual healing and empowerment by phone or Skype/Zoom for those nearby or worldwide. I offer private one-to-one sessions and couple's session packages (session each and a combined session). All distance sessions include our seeing one another via webcam/video if you'd like. Weekend and special appointment times (off-calendar) as well as session recordings are offered at a modest surcharge.
Book Your Perspective Reboot® Session here, 24/7
Commit to YourSELF & Healing with 3- and 8-Session Packages
If you're unsure what type of session to book, feel free to schedule the free 10-minute phone call with me or call me now ... if you get my vm be sure to leave a time today and tomorrow that may work in case I'm unavailable.
If you have experienced childhood trauma/abuse/neglect/abandonment, sexual abuse, long-held patterns of pain or emotional unease, or physical disease, I recommend you commit to a package of sessions. This offers you much greater support, keeps the momentum of release going, and is based upon a LOWER PER SESSION FEE! Packages are offered for both in-person and distance sessions, with options for number of sessions and number of months before package expires. Review Packages Here
NOW BOOKABLE! Distance or In-Person Mantra Reiki Sessions ...
Harnessing Usui Reiki plus Chakra-Focused Healing
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Book Your In-Person Reiki Session
Book Your Distance Reiki Session
Perhaps you are not ready to schedule a one-to-one private session. I hope you will consider attending one of my upcoming groups, or even joining "The Vibe To Thrive" session subscription program. Upcoming sessions are listed on my LIVE GROUP SESSIONS page and in my booking calendar. Between group events, I am offering an energy-support membership for one-, three- and six-months.
Upcoming LIVE Group Kore HealingSM Sessions are listed here, if available.
Indigenous people have long understood the mind-body connection. Fortunately, I see the pendulum of healthcare moving away from a primary focus on drug-based therapies. Ancient healing methods, such as the work I am offering, are now coming into our consciousness as options. More and more people (even scientists) are recognizing and embracing the need for a mind-body-spirit integrative approach to wellness. We are all connected through spirit; this is how I can offer this work in person or to someone located halfway around the world from me. This healing transcends both space and time.
"Thank You For Making A Life-Changing Difference for Me!" Joe
My natural abilities and capabilities include identification and transmutation of the mental/emotional/spiritual traumas and/or beliefs which are affecting my clients ability to feel well and/or be happy and empowered. I am happy to work with you toward your highest and best good. Pain is truly optional; getting to the root cause may be much easier than you have imagined or experienced previously. What will be required, however, is that you realize that some of the ways you have looked at yourself, past/present/future, have not been working, so change is in order and should be welcomed.
My Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit healing resonance can benefit children, adults, families seeking:
- Relief from physical pain, illness and dis-ease, even when other methods have failed;
- Accelerated healing after an accident or surgery ~ learn the language your body needs to heal most quickly;
- Relief for people with social anxiety, depression, panic disorders, obsessive/compulsive behaviors, addictive behaviors and cravings, feeling lack of focus/brain fog;
- Healing and release from traumatic events, even those rooted in childhood abuse, neglect, abandonment, excessive responsibilties;
- Powerful inner child healing for reconnection to soul purpose, inherent peace and joy;
- Healing beyond mere "Anger Management" to living a life of centered peace and calm;
- PSTD relief, fear release, panic attack re-patterning and re-framing;
- Spiritual and/or Pre-Marriage Counseling as a licensed minister of The Universal Light (Couple's Package offered);
- Release of negativity, old patterns/beliefs which are resulting is self-sabotage, negative self-talk, physical dis-ease, etc.;
- Deep healing partnership to resolve karmic patterns and/or ancestral burdens (please do not expect this in one session);
- Chakra and auric field readings or sessions for balancing and clearing;
- Empowerment, joy, confidence, happiness, hope, feeling good in their bodies ...
NEW OPPORTUINITY! INSTANT Phone or Chat Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance
On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.
I have seen positive, remarkable changes in people that I wouldn't have believed, had someone told me about them before I started doing this "work". Be open and receptive for miracles to happen … as underlying patterns/beliefs/traumas/fears are brought to the light and and love, healing can be very quick to follow. I have been told by many, many people that this healing energy I am channeling from The All That Is/Source/God is AMAZING. People who have never even imagined that we are more than bones and organs, experience themselves energetically. People feel a deep peace and/or "lighter" during and following their sessions.
"This is individualized healing, targeted to your body, your mind, your life path, your Soul Mastery, your needs, your vibration, your blocks, your hiSTORY, your empowerment ... YOU!" Kristi
Be open and receptive for miracles to happen! There is hope ... you just have to reach out and ask for it. I have been told by many, many people that this healing energy I am channeling is AMAZING. People who have never even imagined that we are more than bones and organs, experience themselves energetically. People feel a deep peace and/or "lighter" during and following their sessions. I have seen positive, remarkable changes in people that I wouldn't have believed, had someone told me about them before I started doing this "work". People I know who are psychic have told me the level of work I am doing is of a very high order. There is no one else offering this work exactly as I am ... assisting on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels as well as the physical. I came into this lifetime with this deep connection and healing knowledge ... it is not someone else's method/system I have been taught. Each session unfolds in alignment with the client(s) highest and best!
"During his time on earth Rev. Ron Roth healed thousands, perhaps even hundreds of thousands. He was known as one of the world's most gifted spiritual healers stemming from his profound connection to the Divine, which he called the Holy Spirit...You're very good. One of your specialties is Karmic clearing both for people and ancestorially...Karma has to go somewhere. We [healers] have to take that on. It's us connected to the Divine, so ultimately it's the Divine. That's a really sacred thing.
"There are a lot of people who can do readings or healings, but it takes a lot to move Karma...to transmute Karma takes a lot. And that's a sign of something special. Like, Ron Ross, you have that. Other people get sickly doing this work. With you, it's very clean. It just moves through you. I'm in admiration." Kerry Chinn, 10-year student of Ron Ross
I am harnessing God/Creator Love Energy and Healing Energies and the results are typically phenomenal ... they still amaze me. Please know that I do not take credit for your healing … I am merely a healing facilitator and communication liaison with your Highest and Best Self! You and I will team with I humbly and readily acknowledge that this is not about me, it is about YOU...helping YOU be the best that you can be. Because you have been led here, you are likely ready to "shed your chrysalis" and fly. I would be honored to be your partner on that journey back to wholeness.
"During the healing, I was receiving all kinds of light and healing in my body that I can barely describe. My painful areas on my body started to lessen; and where I had felt hopeless (traditional doctor saying there was nothing that could be done for me), Kristi would not hear of it. My body and mind were disconnected ... don't forget, it took along time for me to become so broken! I signed up for THREE visits, knowing that the benefits of this type of healing was my way out of the darkness." Love, Jude
If you want to speak with me briefly before scheduling your appointment, I invite you to do so using the number above. I want you to know you feel comfortable with me. I ask that you be respectful of my time and not to go into a long explanation of what is bothering you, as this is best addressed once your session is scheduled.
Please do not call me if you are unable to pay for a session. I have lovingly provided a lot of free help on this site... 14-hours of Perspective Reboot® Podcasts, healing videos, a wide range of blog articles that are seeded with empowerment, spiritual guidance, Love ... all of this I've paid to produce and accessible to you 24/7.
You also have the option to purchase a pre-recorded healing session or Chakra healing and balance or to gather friends and family and schedule a group healing circle. There is also the option to start budgeting toward your session, if one-to-one work be beyond your budget at this time. What activities or expenses are not supporting your movement forward?
If you would like additional information before making an appointment, please visit the Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Guidance and Energy Healing FAQs page. You may CLICK HERE (mouse over link to see address if you use browser-based email) or use my CONTACT FORM to send me an email question. I also offer a 15-minute pre-session call, bookable online.
"I know it can be difficult to reach out for help, especially if you feel you've tried everything. Ultimately, I am not "the healer". I am the teacher, facilitator, middle man to Love and Light, here to show you your part in this and illuminate EXIT signs you have been missing. To provide a ladder for your rabbit holes or quick sand. To Guide you up, into, over, through to greater wellness and joy. 'There is a way to do it better; find it.' [inventor, Thomas Albert Edison, 19th Century inventor holding over 1000 US patents] The places within yourself that you are holding this state of experience is where my light shines with Grace.Truly, our greatest successes are seeded amid the fields of challege. Come ... release what no longer serves you and learn to BE! xo". Kristi
As a member of the Hands On Trade Association, I affirm their Code of Ethics; more importantly, I align with the Love and Light of SOURCE/THE UNIVERSE/GOD to reconnect, empower, heal at the quantum level, beyond space and time! I AM a certified Usui Reiki Master, Mantra Reiki Master Teacher, and ONENESS Deeksha Blessing Giver. In addition, I AM a legally-ordained Minister providing hands-on spiritual healing ("physio/spiritual massage"). I AM also a registered member of the International Association of Behavioral Therapists and have my Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Metaphysics. I have additional energy practitioner training in Quantum Touch, EMF Balancing Technique, and Sacred Geometries <3 Together with SOURCE, I AM co-creator of the Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Integrative Energy Healing and Intuitive Soul Reconnection modaility. In service, Kristi
*Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst DOES NOT provide medical service and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. I am not a licensed doctor, therapist, chiropractor, lawyer or financial advisor. For those services, please consult the appropriate licensed professionals. My "healing resonance" and Perspective Reboot® Integrative Quantum-level Spiritual Healing and Energy Balancing support your body's natural healing and inner peace. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or on the web site do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome of an individual using Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst. Through our session(s), it is likely conscious and unconscious thoughts, beLIEfs, and energetic blocks impeding your natural healing and/or well being will be our focus. The longest-held physical symptoms may not resolve first. As non-physcial aspects of self blocking natural healing and/or wellbeing will rise to the surface, we will process and transmute them together. I will teach you to work with your body, overcome the ego-mind and escape from 'old stories'. YOU are a key player in your healing process!
It's time to believe the impossible is possible! I offer intuitive calming of the physical, Emotional Healing, Spiritual Counseling, Auric Clearing and Chakra Balancing ... A Mind-Body-Spirit Quantum Healing Approach that Empowers and Heals.
NEW OPPORTUINITY! INSTANT Phone or Chat Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance
On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.
On-Demand Kore HealingSM Audio Sessions which offer chakra healing, balance, expansion and targeted healing/awareness for breast cancer recovery, stress relief and Inner Peace may be reviewed and purchased HERE
Upcoming LIVE Group Kore HealingSM Sessions are listed here, if available.
Book Your Perspective Reboot® Session here, 24/7
*Intensive Caring Perspective Reboot® Healing includes up to 8 sessions plus a reasonable amount of text and email support between sessions OR energetic support for 4 months, whichever occurs first. The 3-session Jump Start package includes up to 3 sessions or energetic support for 3 months (or 6 months if that option has been selected) ... whichever comes first. It is your responsibility to schedule your sessions within the time-frame of your package. I am supporting you energetically, even if all sessions are not scheduled. Package may be extended or sessions can be added at your currently-discounted rate, at Kristi's discretion. You may elect to terminate your package after the first or second session, as long as you are not within two weeks of package expiration date. Refund will be based upon NET package rate (excluding fees already paid to payment gateway) less number of sessions you've used @ the single-session rate, less a $10 admin fee. No refunds after the package end date. In the case of buyer's remorse after booking a single session, refund will be based upon net amount after payment processing, less a $10 admin fee. All pricing is in US$. In-Person rates are based upon cash or check; credit cards are accepted buy client pays the $0.35 plus 3.1% credit card processor fees. There is a $35 fee for checks drawn on insufficient funds. Additional TERMS OF SERVICE are published.