Energy Healer Energy Healing long-distance healing

Upcoming Event Dates

Kristi Borst providing a mini-session to a client at a recent spiritual metaphysical expoThanks for your interest in my upcoming events. In addition to offering one-on-one healing sessions, I am committed to sharing healing codes, empowerment, and ancient wisdom through blogs, social media, and group sessions/courses. I live in southern Maine, so most of my appearances to date have been in New England. I also host group events but open them to distance participation via online streaming!

Guest at Unity of Gulfport, MS

3/2/25 @ 10:30 AM EST
release what no longer serves you

While I am wintering on the coast of MS, I am attending Unity of Gulfport. Rev Judy Voght has invited me to share with the congregation. If you're local, I'd love to see you. If not, I'll update this with a link to the service recording xo

Interview with Wynne Lacy ... Soulganize by Rescinding Egoic Contracts"

soul empowerment evergreen

Wynne's write up "From Wynne Lacey ~ Listen in to my chat with Kristi Borst, Earth Intuitive. Kristi always had a deep connection to the earth and had the ability to heal, but as an obedient child hid those gifts when her father demanded it. Kristi then channeled her ability into the creative marketing field because it was socially acceptable to create art for other Egos. Eventually she took the leap to deprogram her egoic contract and stepped into her ability to heal others."

I invite you to watch/listen, then schedule your personal spiritual guidance reading or Perspective Reboot® spiritual energy healing session via my 24/7 booking calendar

Guest on Sherry Lord's Spirituality and Authors Podcast!

1/07/25 @ 10 AM EST
energy healing evergreen

"Rather Than Avoid Trauma, Embrace It". ~ That's Right! You Can HARNESS Your Trauma to Move FORWARD ... Have you heard that our world is based upon duality? If not, what does that mean and why should you care?

In this powerful conversation, Kristi will illustrate how a YIN/YANG perspective of life (light/dark, right/wrong, challenge/opportunity) will help you move forward from trauma, empowering a better version of yourSELF.

This segment will include a Perspective Reboot® spiritual energy healing segment shared for Our Highest Good.

LIVE STREAM on FB and on my YouTube Channel. Please like/follow/comment!

Past Program

Dance Jam for Happy CommUNITY

Thank you to everyone who came and smiled, danced and grooved with me. I'm leaving a link to my last playlist here. Enjoy the lyrics. Reach out if you can't find your groove; the world may be waiting for your funk! Dance Your Life :)

Youtube Playlist " Dance Jam"

NEW The Vibe to Thrive Spiritual Healing and Energetic Support is OPEN for REGISTRATION!

Additional information is on my LIVE GROUP SESSIONS page.

Live Presentations/Chat/Workshops/Events

"The group healing session over the phone that I had with Kristi brought me to a deep state of relaxation, as well as released some blocks/ opened some energy channels for me. This has allowed my energy to flow more freely. Truly a positive and effective experience. Thank you Kristi." Jackie D.

"I can highly recommend coming to [Kristi's events]. I've gone to several and the healing is very powerful and transformational." from John H, an attendee at Kristi's recent Connecting More Fully to Love group event

I am definitely open to travel! If you would like to book me as a high-vibrational, spiritually healing speaker for your event, please call 207-216-0473. Moreover, if you have a talk-radio show that you host or enjoy listening to, please call me or share the contact details through my CONTACT form. Thank you for your interest and support!

I am open to creating a custom GROUP HEALING or Awakening Presentation or Workshopm for YOU, your team, or your group! I have a list of suggested Group Healing Sessions, so reach out ... let's get things moving toward healing, joy, self-mastery!

I am so open to working with your group. If you'd like to host and in-person or remote class, workshop, transformational process, please contact me.

Please visit my youtube channel (other social media links found in footer of each page), podcast, or previously-recorded interviews. Consider a private session or reading, or purchase a targeted healing MP3. In service to Our Highest Good ...Kristi

Timeless Support Available in my Healing Videos, Youtube and This Earth Clearing

Participate on your own A Celebratory Earth Day Circle ... Grounding Gratitude ~ I'm saddened that no one came forth for this event. I've provided a blog and youtube video with love for our planet and humanity ... a process. Just intend as you do, you are connecting with me and others who love our planet life Light LOVE. We are all so important ... pivotal. What are you using this pivot for?

What follows is the original International Mother Earth Day in-person gathering. Noble Adult Ed Team and I hope "the village" will gather for this in 2022. Perhaps we lost our relationship with the Earth when we stopped gardening, working on the land, scratching in the soil. I've tended my gardens and encourage you to do same. Listen to nature. Love to you all, Kristi ...

A Conscious CommUNION with Gaia, Our Mother Earth What we call "Earth Day" was decreed "International Mother Earth Day" by the United Nations in 2009. Various cultures around the world have a name for our Earth" Papatūānuku, Akna, Pachamama, Tellus, Mother Nature, Gaia. Yet, many people haven't considered that, just as we are human beings, the Earth is a planetary being.

Celebrate Gaia. Connect in with the Earth and feel more grounded, commune with the elemental energies of the Earth (air, wind, fire, water), and gift Gaia with love and good vibes. We will take the time to open our hearts and re-member our connection with our Earth Mother. She gives without asking and will love this collective embrace! Rain or shine; outdoor shelter available, but no indoor/restroom access. Seats provided, masks required for this socially-distanced outdoor gathering.

Earth Day Celebration Blog. I've created a youtube video (fractal healing image for visual meditation) with a message and process through which we uplift.

Would You Like to Host Your Own Healing/Empowerment Event?

Contact me if you'd like to arrange to have me come to you and/or your group. I am able interact with all ages with total unconditional love, light and healing!

Past Group Sessions Available as Individual Healing Replay Sessions in the Kore HealingSM with Kristi section of my site.

Focused Group Distance Kore HealingSM with Kristi ~ "Time for Self ~ Breast Wellness and Self Care "

This Kore HealingSM session offers focused healing on the quantum level (mind-body-spirit-emotions) for women who have physical concerns with their breasts, whether that is manifesting as cysts, lesions, lumps or even breast cancer. I have worked successfully with a number of women with breast cancer, reducing their treatment period and facilitating healing. I will connect into your energy and with your Higher Self to (1) identify possible root beliefs manifesting as breast problems, (2) release denser energies, emotions, or blocks from this area and the heart chakra and (3) work on releasing any patterns of neglecting self or consistently putting others before oneself. There is a beautiful ancestral portion to this healing! I hope you'll connect with me on this special healing offering! FMI visit my Kore Healing with Kristi Breast Wellness and Time for Nurturing Self web page.

Kore Healing with Kristi On Demand Healing Audios ~ Foundation of Love; Creativity & Intimacy; Self Care & Personal Power; Healing Your Heart; Shouldering Responsibility with Ease & Grace; Words of Truth, Spoken with Love These Kore Healing SM with Kristi sessions were a huge success and are now available as a Kore Healing SM with Kristi On-Demand Healing Sessions for download and repeated engagement. Review and purchase sessions here.

Custom Group Session with Your Friends and Family I am able to offer group distance sessions, connecting from my heart and home to yours and those of your friends. Each individual may experience healing within the comfort of their own space, or you can host this circle in your home. Contact me to set up an upcoming group.

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YOUR EVENT?!? If you would like to speak with me about doing a group healing or delivering a non-religious but spiritually-rich talk at your event, please call 207 216 0473. Your call will be returned promptly if you leave a message.

Please visit my Radio & MP3 page, my Perspective Reboot® podcast, or my healing and empowerment blog.

Group Healing Services are listed if available; past event being offered as on-demand healings. Other events listed on HealingResonance4ME page on Facebook. Come by and LIKE me. You could also sign up for my e-news with the "NEW Opt-In Gift" link; I'll send you my powerful healing blogs as I post them.


Thank you for your interest in Healing Resonance and exploration of ways to open yourself and your life to its fullest potential! I look forward to meeting you ~ Kristi