Energy Healer Energy Healing, medical intuitive, spiritual healing, chakra balancing, quantum energy medicine
In The News, Kristi's Articles Published Elsewhere
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These are summaries of some of my articles that have been picked up for syndication on third-party sites. My web site blog is here. Please note that clicking on the "Read More" link (or the title) will open a new browser tab so you can more easily return to my site. If you'd like me to speak for your group about any of these topics please call me or use my CONTACT page. If my open sharing supports your upward inward forward movement, please use the Energy Exchange link!
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In most cases, I am linking to these articles on my own web sites due to the amount of external advertising added to my articles on these third-party sites. I welcome your comments xo.
Letting Go of Your Grief and Fear of Death to Really Start Living"
"When you no longer fear death, what is there left to fear? Yes, it's difficult to lose the physical presence of someone you love. However, when you realize and welcome that soul to be with you any time and any place, you can understand how blessed we are for the loved ones who surround us." READ ON.
International Mother Earth Day, April 22 ~ See and Celebrate Our Mother Earth
Any day we celebrate our planet is Earth Day. In 2009, the UN established April 22 as International Mother Earth Day. I'm offering up a process of celebrating, connecting with and healing our Mother Earth and ourSELVES. READ ON. I've also created a companion, guided visual meditation for Earth connection, healing and clearing!

10 Mindset Tips for Happiness with Video Message
Our mindset is much more important than we have been taught. What we experience, our "reality", is interwoven with our expectations, perceptions, choices, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, etc. Happiness is always a choice within reach. I'll help you see(ze) small choices that allow you to expand and grow to become more powerful and self-masterful. READ ON and be sure to watch the video!
The Power of Choice ~ Chaos Makes Room for the NEW!
Change is certainly among us ... each of us has the choice of how to receive and respond. A tiny virus has revealed a world without borders and an interconnectedness between all people. What happens across the globe does matter. Issues that have been hidden from view—or that have been consciously and unconsciously avoided—are coming into focus. Collectively we must look, not with scorn or finger-pointing, but with compassion for ourselves and others. READ ON.
The Far Reaching Benefits of Healing Childhood Trauma
It is said you cannot change the past, but when you heal the past everything changes! First I offer a check-list for assessing if your long-ago trauma is still impacting you today. PLUS I share a multi-dimensional approach to healing and re-integrating the child self/selves who may hold the key to your unique soul signature, inner peace and life path. READ ON
Life is Meant to be Savored; You ARE Worthy
How often we discount our own worth and yet we are part of a greater whole ... there is NO ONE GREATER and no one lesser. Such is one of the main "illusions" of our world! Realizing and feeling this connection has been life-changing for me and those I am able to assist. Please reach out for a reading or session if you struggle with feeling good in your own skin, valuable, worthy! READ ON and be sure to watch the VIDEO.
7 Tips for Building a Strong Marriage
Often we self-sabotage the thing we most want to create. Here, I share from my experience (and near failure) in my own 40-year marriage and my Perspective Reboot® energy healing for couples. I help individuals/couples clear old trauma, move forward and bridge any gaps in their communication, compassion, union. READ ON in this "Strong Marriage" article.
Finding Peace Through the Ebb & Flow of Life
This article features a 15-minute FB Live Stream Video plus a deepening message. We are taught to "go with the flow", "be the flow", etc. We start to beLIEve that the flow is the best place. I share some insights to help us not only find our footing but to also thrive in the ebb in this "Ebb & Flow" article
How Far Would You Travel for Inner Peace
Like cars in our rear-view mirrors, the objects we desire are closer than we think. Getting to Inner Peace, Self Mastery, Your Gifts, is closer than you think. Don't forget to remember. Remember the larger story. Remember who you are and your importance. Join me on this Perspective Reboot® journey to Inner Peace: read "How Far ..." article
How to Forgive and Be Okay
Life is not random and every singular and combined moment has brought us to this ONE MOMENT. In the light of empowerment, understand that it's tough to be the Victor as we stand as the Victim. In truth, you have been and always will be more than okay; more than enough. May my words be a loving nudge, urging you toward the next great victory on your path. read "How to Forgive ..." article
How to Set Realistic Expectations
Are realistic texpecations even possible? Where do our expectations come from ... what's the room? Why do we get so upset when our expectations aren't met? What are we missing here? read "Realistic Expecations" article
Don't Get Ensnared in Your Safety Net
Are you connecting in various degrees to your life purpose? I’ve always felt something more than faith was required for success but I didn’t have the formula. Perhaps that’s why it never seemed to be the right time for me to take the leap and quit my day job? [Through this situation, group sessions, and one-to-one Perspective Reboot® sessions, Spirit has shared that when our path does not seem clear, it is not READY for us to easily enter our flow of abundance.] Now that I’m out of the situation, I see the other aspects in the equation of success. As we move forward dedicated fully to our path, purpose, or passion, there’s a powerful trilogy at play: Faith, Focus, and Force. read "Safety Net" article
Autoimmune Dis-Ease: A Holistic Approach to Health
We have the potential to heal not only ourselves but also all of the wounded ones preceding us in our lineage! What is the body telling someone with an autoimmune disorder, when the body is attacking itself in some way? Thought precedes the physical, so look within for the inner architect of this dis-ease. If you are very ill, you may actually be a powerful creator; it's time to more consciously create what you DO want! read "Autoimmune Dis-Ease" article
How to Tell if Your Chakras are Blocked (and What To Do About It)
Energy Medicine looks for imbalances and blocks that lead to physical disease. See more and heal! If you have struggled with physical illness or emotional unrest, it's time to look beyond the symptoms! There are subtle, non-physical parts of you ~ your spirit, emotions, thoughts, beliefs ... that actually guide and direct the state of your physical body. read "Blocked Chakras" article/a>
Spiritual Practices to Enhance Prosperity and Abundance
Serving up some Prosperity Pie, Gratitude & Affirmations, Crystal Grids, Visual Meditations and more ~ Assessing and expanding your current definition of prosperity is an important first step in creating a more powerful spiritual practice for abundance! It’s natural for us to focus on money because so much of our physical world is valued and driven by money. Yet, money is only one aspect of prosperity. I share a spiritual perspective to help you expand your power through Presence and the power of THE NOW. That is where we can see(ze) our choices! read "Prosperity & Abundance" article
If You Feel Like You Don't 'Fit In' With Your Family, Here's Why ~ And How To Stop It
If you're searching for help with family acceptance, chances are you experience the world through empathy … perhaps you were labeled or even shamed as "the sensitive one" in the family. Free yourself from the illusion that your family must see, know and love you unconditionally. read "Fit In" article
Healing through Integrative Energy Medicine: Balancing Mind-Body-Spirit Emotions
We Have Incredible Self-Healing Bodies ~ For many, the system seems to have gone awry. Many people are healthy yet don't feel well. Others "have everything" but feel empty, sad, lost. Cutting out body parts or ingesting chemicals with myriad side effects has become the norm in our medical system. While we have gained relief from infectious disease, in many cases, we have lost the intimacy of healthcare which sees and addresses the whole person in an integrative approach. read "Integrative Energy Medicine" article