The Vibe to Thrive empowers and heals women who have been musted by sexual abuse, violation, a traumatic childhood, not being able to be authentic, soul fragmentation, and religious indoctrination. Co-author by Rev Kristi Borst, PhD

“Unmuted Voices" autographed by Chapter 9 author, Kristi Borst, PhD

I've learned to embrace situations when past traumas knock on my awarenesses ... the more deeply we dive, the more we are buoyed! May my UNMUTED sharing within THE VIBE TO THRIVE inspire your own healing and empowerment! I AM here with and for you!"

I'm so excited to share THE VIBE to THRIVE, my uplifting chapter which includes insights, processes, and exit route for escaping the stories, beLIEfs. and ancestral programs you came here to SHUT DOWN! This was a collaborative book project, spearheaded by Mary Ann Pack of We Are Joy Books. When you purchase UNMUTED VOICES, you also get Mary Ann and eleven other authors' stories of overcoming various indoctrinations, programs, edicts!

When the project came to my attention, I was drawn to the title because helping others find their authentic voice, heal and reconnect their inner children, and find a truer octave of living is at the heart of my Perspective Reboot® spiritual channeling of Source LOVE for healing, awakening, inpromoved joy and wellness, and self mastery.

The Amazon best-seller is available paperback and Kindle editions (links below). PLUS I am offering signed copies which include my full list of integrative exercised (editor asked to cut them down for the publication). Default shipping is by s-l-o-w but lower-cost media mail which can take up to 10 business days. You may elect Priority Mail as an option. ALL PRICING is in US$ and for domestic shipping to the continental US. Additional charges will be assessed for other currencies or shipping.

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I met Mary Ann Pack a few years ago through the publisher of my first best-seller project, "Be The Beacon". Mary Ann was starting We Are Joy Books and working with Liz Hill as an apprentice. When Mary Ann shared her plans to publish "UNMUTED VOICES" I was reallly interested because the subject matter aligns with the concerns I support with my Perspective Reboot® spiritual energy healing process..

I said "YES" and started to write my chapter, "The Vibe To Thrive", focused on sharing many of the tools that Source/God/All That Is/LOVE has shared with me in the first ten years of my healing ministry, Healing Resonance llc. What happened, however, is that I came face-to-face with some very subtle ancestral programming. It was the kind that can be both insidious and powerful! This was a hugely healing process for me ... I am so grateful that hoping to lift others lifted me!!

I hope you'll journey through the book and utilize the life hacks, tips, and excercised that my twelve co-authors and I created with our chapters. Digesting the power of before/after experienced by mySELF and my co-authors can be a great step toward finding, owning, and amplifying your voice and "coming online" as a more authentic aspect of SELF.

If you have any questions prior to ordering, please use my contact form. ** Since non-contiguous and international shipping requires extra funds, please contact me, before ordering, with your address for priing ** Once you select media mail or priority mail pricing, a cart will show here, on my site. Once you click the PayPal link and sign in, you will be taken to your payment options. The order total will be at the top of that page (5.5% sales tax added within Maine) with a drop down arrow to see the order details.

Unmuted Voices
Paperback book. Chapter 9 "The Vibe to Thrive" signed by Kristi

Chakras on the horizon ©Kristi Borst

[Feb/Mar 2025 ... Before you order ... I am currently away from home on vacation. I will not be able to ship your autographed book until the first week of April.]

Autographed "Unmuted Voices!" Book

Price varies by Shipping Method
I will write a message unless you have a message request here

unsigned "UNMUTED VOICES" e-Book and paperback options
are available on

Kristi and Mary Ann Discusss "The Vibe To Thrive", Chapter 9 and Kristi's Perspective Reboot® healing and empowerment life hacks

An Intro ~ FAQs ~ I AM

"Working with Kristi allowed me to overcome patterns of thinking and habits that were holding me back in life and work. I highly recommend Kristi Borst to those looking for change." Dr. Jackie Frobese ~ Find your session date on Kristi's CALENDAR

"Kristi, that was wonderful! Your energy is so amazing. I felt so much love that at one point I almost cried ... I didn't realize how much pain I was in until you released it."Lauren  Additional testimonials are in Kristi's Energy Healing Results blog.

Book Your Perspective Reboot® Session here, 24/7

~ Session Choices ~
In-person or distance energy healing sessions, photo Wells sessions space
Kristi Borst, spiritual guidance
Kristi Borst on-demand audio kore healingSM sessions, chakra clearing
Young woman in robe holds mug, Post-surgical/injury healing acceleration

If you or someone you know is not finding joy in and through life, there would undoubtedly be benefits to scheduling a Perspective Reboot® distance or in-person energy balancing, activation, healing session. You may also consider one or more of my pre-recorded Kore HealingSM sessions focusing on the individual chakras, inner peace, shoulder pain, and breast wellness.

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On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.