Energy Healer Energy Healing, medical intuitive, spiritual healing, chakra balancing, quantum energy medicine

Energy Healing, Inner Peace, Empowerment ... Reconnection with Your Wellness, Joy and  Self-Mastery

Welcome to the heart of healing ... I am here to help you identify and release UNease and internal disconnect manifesting as mental, emotional, spiritual, or physical pain, dis-ease, that feeling of being STUCK or LOST! Learn the language of Wellness and Joy for YOUR body. Heal the Inner Child and reconnect to your Higher Self the TRUE ESSENCE of your BEing!

Is physical or emotional pain controlling your life? Are you moving through life on auto-pilot? What "stories", wounds, missed opportunities to thrive are seperating you from health, joy, abundance? Where is the disconnect between spirit, mind, body, purpose? I see, we heal, you rise above all the weeds and bloom, right here and NOW!

There is a lot of information on this site (blog, artwork, videos, podcast). Some people love rich content others feel overwhelm. If you want to work me, but aren't sure what to select ... one-to-one single or package of 3 Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Energy Healing Sessions (read more) or (book here). Text me 207 216 0473 if you need help booking.

Entry point for focused support are my downloadable MP3 Recorded Sessions under Kore Healing. 30-minute Readings (spiritual guidance, no energy healing), 60-minute Reiki (energy with symbols and toning you can use going foward; no reading). My Perspective Reboot® 60-minute sessions are reviewed in my Testimonials.

"My Perspective Reboot® quantum energy healing process helps where other methods have failed by empowering you to release what's preventing hope ... happiness ... health! Schedule your in-person or distance session easily using my online calendar here. "

"I could feel the energy and noticed a great improvement in my lungs. In addition to doing energy work with her hands, Kristi heals with her insights and words. As she spoke to me, some issues from my very early childhood came up. She helped me find a totally new perspective, which I believe healed that long and deep emotional wound I have been carrying for more than 75 years." Joan

Your body's intelligence has the innate ability to heal. Yet sometimes things go awry ... the non-physical aspects of self ... stuffed emotions, energy blocks, self-limiting and ancestral beLIEfs can eventually manifest as dis-ease. I am able to intuit, communicate with and positively affect the physical body, clearing the way for healing and balance! You will leave your Perspective Reboot® session with tools, a lighter countenance, and spiritual awarnesses which empower you on your path! I also offerReiki sessions for those not yet ready for the mind-body-spirit-emotions deep-dive, yet needing to de-stress, relax, release, renew.

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"Thank you, Kristi. My heart feels so much lighter. I wasn't even aware of how much I was holding onto! I feel like I got so much guidance and I'm so grateful!" Shaai

NOW BOOKABLE! Distance or In-Person Mantra Reiki Sessions ...
Harnessing Usui Reiki plus Chakra-Focused Healing

read more

Maybe you're not in physical pain but experience emotional or mental pain and anxiety. I am here to help you Jump-Start your movement, healing, expansion. One of my strongest abilities is inner child healing and re-integration. Do your thoughts and behaviors frequently carry you away from joy? It's time to move from a space of feeling powerless to reconnection with your self-mastery! I also offer Reiki Sessions in my home in Wells, Maine, and from my heart and home to yours.

"Kristi, that was wonderful! Your energy is so amazing. I felt so much love that at one point I almost cried ... I didn't realize how much pain I was in until you released it."Lauren

Book Your Perspective Reboot® Session here, 24/7

~ Session Choices ~
In-person or distance energy healing sessions, photo Wells sessions space
Mantra reiki crystals and Thibetian singing bowl
Kristi Borst, spiritual guidance
Kristi Borst on-demand audio kore healingSM sessions, chakra clearing

"When we understand ourselves, we reclaim our power to re-write the past and create our future. I will help you see(ze) the answers, momentum, relief, and choices previously hidden in plain sight." Kristi

An Intro ~ FAQs ~ I AM

My Perspective Reboot® mind-body-spirit healing resonance can benefit children, adults, couples and families seeking:

INSTANT Phone or Text Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance Includes Scheduling Request

Option for Email Support

On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.

Perhaps you don't have long-term concerns and are just seeking relief from stress. While many turn to massage to relax and relieve stress, energy medicine with an intuitive energy healer will provide relaxation on multiple and deeper levels.

During your session with me, you will reconnect with your own internal sense of calm, balance and centeredness. Maintaining that balance will become easier with repeated sessions and our work together to release and repattern the stories and traumas you may be unconsciously holding ... our work is significant and also cumulative.

"Because of the blocks [Kristi] removed, it has caused an avalanche of opportunity to come my way ... " Dr. Measha Dancy   READ MORE

Integrative Energy Healing at the Quantum Level

I know that anyone who is ready to journey toward healing/self-empowerment/Divine Perfection, supported with this love, can experience wonderful, even life-changing shifts. Opening to my innate abilities was facilitated by trainings I received in Reiki, the Oneness Blessing, QuantumTouch®, and EMF (electromagnetic frequency) Balancing Technique® as well as pursuing study for my Doctorate in Metaphysics. My intuitive energy healing modality, Perspective Reboot® goes well beyond these modalities ... healing mind-body-spirit-emotions in past-present-future!

Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst has assisted individuals with severe depression/suicidal thoughts/PTSD find lightness, in releasing frustration manifesting as back spasms/unexplained cough/pneumonia, in assisting client with healing skin rash covering over 60% of his body, in releasing emotional aspect of COPD (lung capacity went from 60% to near 100%), in eliminating "seasonal allergy" symptoms, in negating bursitis and plantar fasciitis pain, helping release phobias and fears, in removing joint pain for which the only resolution appeared to be surgery, in processing repressed grief, in opening the heart space to enable release of old hurts and allow for greater expression of love, re-patterning social anxieties, and even helping people who have been told that they would not get better or there was no known cause for their pain or dis-ease.

The list goes on ... drug free solutions if you are willing to step outside the box and/or realize eastern medicine and natural healing have worked for centuries.

"Working with Kristi was a turning point in my healing process. There is a noticeable BEFORE and AFTER in my finding my way way back to wholeness since working with her. Kristi emanates such loving energy, being worked on by her is like receiving a light-filled and gentle hug. Yet the work is life changing." Michelle C

Natural Spiritual Healing Alchemy ~ Body, Mind, Spirit, Emotions

While there is definitely an emotional clearing component to the work that I do, I have also seen pain, Lyme symptoms, COPD, heaviness of limbs, joint discomfort and other physical body issues cease in one session even when the client had no conscious emotional or spiritual ills.

"It was amazing to me how Kristi would ask me a question at the beginning of a session that was completely in tune with something that needed resolving if I were to make progress." full testimonial

It's amazing to me that, in some cases, the change is very rapid ... literally within seconds. We are powerful when we focus on healing, clearing, vibrating that YOUnique frequency we each are here to provide. [More examples are listed on FAQs page. Our balancing, clearing, healing physical, mental, emotional, spiritual condition is not limited to those mentioned on this site.]

I offer assistance which is intuitive and integrative, spiritual/ emotional/ mental/ physical healing ... I am an emotional and medical intuitive with added ability to help uncover and release the root of the problem or imbalance.

Additional client experiences may be found with the "Testimonials" link.

"My heart is open to God/Source and through this, release and Self Mastery ARE possible! I am offering this connection to help you discover and move toward your Highest and Best! This site includes many free offerings to help empower you toward transformation, plus information on private session work and the on-demand healing audios I offer. What do I offer? Identification of and healing at the root of your dis-ease!" Kristi

Take this step toward releasing physical pain, emotional trauma, karmic patterns and ancestral burdens ... find your way back to your authentic Self. Awareness = the Power of Choice = the Power to Change.

Claim increased Self Mastery, wellness and joy. Our engagement can range from a half-hour reading/spiritual counseling to a multi-session partnership.

Private sessions are offered for individuals, couples, families. Targeted, on-demand sessions are offered for specific ailments, dis-ease,energy field clearing & balancing and chakra openings.

[Megan contacted me while on vacation with her family. She had recently found my site and was planning to schedule an in-person session once school had started. However, she was feeling extremely "off" and anxious during the vacation and requested support. I was able to fit her in for a distance session that same day. We worked on inner child healing/reconnection and awareness/healing of long-term family patterns.]

Thank you so much. I had a really great afternoon with my family. I feel easier in myself already and look forward to booking an in-person session soon. I am very grateful. Megan ~ Distance Healing via Healing Resonance llc with #KristiBorst

INSTANT Phone or Text Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance Includes Scheduling Request

Option for Email Support

On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.

Medical intuitive emotional spiritual energy healer (healing facilitator / medical intuitive / emotional intuitive) offering sessions in Wells, Maine or world-wide distance energy healing via telephone/Skype. Offering a "window to your Soul" and spiritual counseling/clarity for improved wellness and joy!

In-person sessions in Wells, Maine, for easy-access for individuals living in the Portland, Maine, Portsmouth, New Hampshire (NH). My office is just one hour from these North Shore Boston locations: Beverly, Essex, Lynn, Ipswich, Gloucester, Manchester-by-the-Sea, Marblehead, Melrose, Peabody, Rowley, Salem,Swamscott, Topsfield, etc.

Have questions beyond my FAQs page? Call me or book an appointment on this special calendar for a 15-minute pre-session intro call.

This is a team process and you are a key player! How long has your system been out-of-balance? While I have witnessed many spontaneous healings, I ask you to consider how entrenched you are in your current situation. It will likely take multiple sessions to release what no longer serves you and our Highest Good!

Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst and Perspective Reboot® distance energy healing transcends space and time; so don't hesitate in booking your distance session! Long-distance energy healing (remote healing sessions) are powerfully effective for my clients!

I am a clear channel for God/Source energy healing. I literally BE who I am here to be as unconditional love and light, and healing others is effortless. Let's join for your wellness and joy. I know you are important and here to BE who YOU are here to be!

Explore your Higher Soul's perspective, with assistance in healing root patterns, vibrations, blocks and perceived limitations restricting your wellness and joy. I will take you to a place where suffering is now optional! Together, we shall overcome.

"You ARE WHOLE and I will help you connect more fully to PEACE. My innate healing resonance SOOTHES the emotions, CALMS the mind, EMPOWERS the soul, BALANCES the chakras, and HEALS the physical body." Kristi

As a member of the Hands On Trade Association, I affirm their Code of Ethics; more importantly, I align with the Love and Light of SOURCE/THE UNIVERSE/GOD to reconnect, empower, heal at the quantum level, beyond space and time! I AM a certified Usui Reiki Master, Mantra Reiki Master Teacher, and ONENESS Deeksha Blessing Giver. In addition, I AM a legally-ordained Minister providing hands-on spiritual healing ("physio/spiritual massage"). I AM also a registered member of the International Association of Behavioral Therapists and have my Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) in Metaphysics. I have additional energy practitioner training in Quantum Touch, EMF Balancing Technique, and Sacred Geometries <3 Together with SOURCE, I AM co-creator of the Perspective Reboot® Spiritual Integrative Energy Healing and Intuitive Soul Reconnection modaility. In service, Kristi

*Disclaimer: Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst DOES NOT provide medical service and should not be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. I am not a licensed doctor, therapist, chiropractor, lawyer or financial advisor. For those services, please consult the appropriate licensed professionals. My "healing resonance" and Perspective Reboot® Integrative Quantum-level Spiritual Healing and Energy Balancing support your body's natural healing and inner peace. Client testimonials conveyed verbally or on the web site do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of the outcome of an individual using Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst. Through our session(s), it is likely conscious and unconscious thoughts, beLIEfs, and energetic blocks impeding your natural healing and/or well being will be our focus. The longest-held physical symptoms may not resolve first. As non-physcial aspects of self blocking natural healing and/or wellbeing will rise to the surface, we will process and transmute them together. I will teach you to work with your body, overcome the ego-mind and escape from 'old stories'. YOU are a key player in your healing process!