Energy Healer Energy Healing long-distance healing
Seeing Yourself as More Than SOME BODY ~ The Reality of Perfection Beyond "What Meets the Eye"
Thank you for visiting Healing Resonance. My name is Kristi Borst and I was born with a unique and profound healing and release ability. Healing Resonance positively impacts, communicates with and balances mind, body, spirit, and emotions. Like the four seasons, four directions ... there is a fourth important aspect of Self that's been largely ignored. Ironically, for many the emotions "run the show!"
My Perspective Reboot® process helps individuals release old programming and see things in a different light. We are more than just bodies, yet our current medical model tends to focus only on the mind and body! Explore my offerings to release physical pain, depression and other heavy energies.
I KNOW we are all incredibly precious and unique facets of All that Is, and I want to help you move past self-perceived limitations ~ be the light you are truly here to be! Your light is important and needed ... you are not here to suffer, so it's time to see(ze) your role more consciously.
This video gift to you combines both my audio message and some of my healing high-resonance artwork.
This video includes one of my messages as well as a video progression of a loving energy-infused healing print. May you feel the love and begin to heal at a deep level! I am available for private sessions if you'd like to take this deeper.
Let's Connect! I'd love to share more life hacks with you ! FACEBOOK PAGE ... Visit, Like, Follow Healing Resonance on Facebook. I communicate much more frequently on Facebook than other social media or my email subscribers. SPECIALS only offered via email list.
HEALING WORDS, BLOGS, SPECIAL OFFERINGS & EVENTS Opt-In Subscribed receive my special gift "4 Simple Steps for Connecting with Your Heart-Centered Inner Peace" for opting in!Thank you for your interest. It's fun to imagine the places you'll go :) My list received special offers and messages for those who resonate with the Light and Love of Healing Resonance with me, through me, as ME. I am grateful to assist to whatever depth you wish ... the goal is helping you realize and see(ze) your potential. It's a blessed journey back to SELF.
Ready to change your life? It's time to BE here as YOU! Healing is NOT WOO WOO ... It's WOOT WOOT Wonderful! MY BOOKING CALENDAR IS AVAILABLE 24/7 ...
INSTANT Phone or Text Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance Includes Scheduling Request
On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.
You can read more about the services I offer and additional information about me an my healing gift with the links at the top of the page or below. Additional client experiences may be found with the "Testimonials" link. My heart is open to Source and through this, miracles ARE possible! I am offering this connection to help you discover and become your Highest and Best! Kristi
Healing and Spiritual Guidance Session work is offered both on a one-to-one basis (see in-person and distance healing), periodic group healing circles and as pre-recorded audio sessions targeted to specific concerns (see Kore Healing).
I invite you to explore my web site, listen to my interviews on The Dr. Pat Show, Lavandar's Starseed Academy, or my weekly radio show"Perspective Reboot® with Kristi Borst" (please see "Radio & MP3s" link at right). I also invite you to visit my blog which has insights and guidance for shifting your perception of your now reality.
I have created and am offering Original Energy-Infused Fractal and Symmetrical Artwork, available for purchase on this site. Enjoy your visit here ... dive deep! Joy is found within.