Group Meetups, Spiritual Growth, Energy Healing, Boston
Self-Guided International Mother Earth Day Healing and Anchoring Love Process

On my Free Videos page, I offer a guided meditation for Connecting with Gaia, Our Mother Earth. Other ideas to help you "Nurture Our Mother Earth" are in this blog from April, 2019.
I am thrilled to be partnering with Bee Price for this special Earth Day celebration. Embrace your goodness and power to create a better world, here and now. We will be focusing on ourSelves, all creatures large and small, and our beloved planet.
I have created this page for those who would like to join this process by intention. The time and space you are in doesn't matter. Your loving intention and willingness to create more love and reduce your emotional footprint of negativity does!
Firstly, open yourself to healing yourSelf and being of service to the Highest Good. Feel gratitude for this life. It is what we make it, so make it spectacular! Realize we co-create this "reality" based upon the energy we share/vibrate and what we focus on (give our energy). This process can be repeated often, not only on International Mother Earth Day. Gaia's and Creator's love is boundless; acknowledging that ever-present love and support is so healing!
I am one with the Light and feel it in, of, and through all of me. If you do not feel confident in this stance, have any fear, or have guides you like to call in, please follow whatever process you like to be surrounded fully in Light. Realize, though, that you will sabotage your own Light with fear.
Be Light. Consciously connect within your heart in loving gratitude for Gaia (guided meditation). Think of some of the amazing places on Earth you may have visited or even just seen in photographs. Imagine you can send that love and feelings of gratitude as an anchor down to the heart of the Earth. If you open yourself to receive, you will feel her love come back to you. Breathe love out, received love back. Give and take. Now, similarly connect from your heart to Creator/Source/God. Give love and feel the wealth of love there for you!
BE yourself as love and gratitude for a few moments. Breathe in the love and exhale with an audible "aaaahhhhhh". This helps open up your heart chakra further. Look at the image here or on my Ways to Nurture Mother Earth , and imagine this crystaline grid of light encompassing our planet and all living things. There are many lightworkers here now and throughout history that helped to anchor and clear this grid. You do not need to worry about building the grid. In fact, you need not worry at all. Trust and intend to be of service to the Highest Good!
Now we're going to connect with and celebrate the expressions of love we have experienced throughout time. Imagine the good deeds, happy times, outdoor adventures, love connections, given to you and experienced as You, by You, through YOU to date. Now imagine all of this love adding to and/or amplifying the crystaline gride of love and light surrounding Gaia. Imagine that wherever you go, you are anchoring your energy into Gaia.
We are powerful! Energy is real! Our intentions for our Highest Good and in service cannot fail! Use your imagination, visualization, love. The fact that you are focusing on good and love is so healing for you and others!
As we walk and experience life on Earth, we anchor our emotions. We have just amplified LOVE. Now we're going to focus on transmuting any negative emotions we have seeded or planted in Gaia. We are going to use the existing, radiant grid of love and light to help us with this! Again, have no fear that you cannot do this. As we heal one we heal ALL.
Go to the homes you've lived in, schools you attended, places you've worked, accidents you may have had, etc. As you visit each one, bring the love you have added to the grid down to those spots on the Earth. Imagine as the love travels and the grid supports your effort, negative emotions and traumas are released that may have been grounded in these physical places.
See the love releasing any discordant energy you may have unconsciously left behind. Set your intention to leave only trails of love <3 We are seeding love and reducing our emotional footprint of density upon the earth. We are healing wounds we may have pushed off into Gaia. We thank her for loving us totally and unconditionally.
Now we are going to allow the love and the crystaline grid to also melt a deep layer of woundings we have planted within our own physical bodies. We have felt this process flow in partnership with Gaia. We use the love that is coming from her and from Divine Source to facilitate this. We do not judge any of the pain, we just release it with the knowing that our physical world and bodies will be better off without these miscreations.
We go to the grid again, revisiting the love we have placed there, appreciating the love and light there from Gaia's own self love and the love of Creator. We recognize all the others around the world who are being/have been of service in this way today and beyond space/time.
As we feel clearer within ourSelves, we are able to share this love more freely. The more you look for love, the more you see it and feel it. It is infinite and fuels all life.
Bring your attention to specific areas of the Earth. Most of us are aware of places which have witnessed war, heavy loss of life, human struggle. Let love heal!
Share your gratitude and love with living animals, insects, flora, elementals. Acknowledge them; see their service to Life. Send your love and feel it returned. Perhaps you will feel an increased awareness that much love was coming from these beings throughout your life. You may end your process when you feel ready, knowing you can repeat this often and that your intentions will carry your efforts to help heal forward.
Walk forward with awareness of the energy you are grounding, expressing, holding, BEing. Be peace, love & joy. Namaste (the Divine in Me sees and loves the Divine in You)!
If you reach any blocks that you are unable to clear, forgive, process on your own, you may schedule a 30-minute Empowerment Reading. I will provide some guidance and assistance by phone. If there are deep emotional wounds, one more more Perspective Reboot® sessions will release what no longer serves you and Our Highest Good; click here to schedule. <3
Much love, Kristi
©2019 Healing Resonance llc ith Kristi Borst, all rights reserved. Process may be republished with credit and link to this page.