Intuitive Medical Healer Portland Maine Energy Healer Kennebunk Maine near Portsmouth NH

On-Demand Kore HealingSM with Kristi ~ Session Catalog

Powerful activations, clearing, repatterning, and healing for specific areas of the mental, emotional, physical, etheric and spiritual bodies! These on-demand, downloadable sessions are supported with love and light as energy medicine, spiritual integration, insights to inner peace, love and light. My healing resonance will help you activate your own awakening and balance. I've presented sessions on each of the 7 major chakras (from both the physical and emotional healing level) ... root chakra ~ base chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra and crown chakra. My healing resonance will help you activate your own awakening and balance. I've presented sessions on each of the 7 major chakras (from both the physical and emotional healing level). Most of these are for chakra healing and chakra balance, but there are additional titles that focus on Relieving Stress, cultivating Inner Peace and uncovering/healing the root of Breast Cancer ... helping you support healthy breast tissue and empower healing.

"Hi Kristi. I just wanted to touch base with you and thank you for the group clearing call just before Thanksgiving. I was in a very bad place emotionally at that time, and since then I have felt calm, whole and happy. Many, many thanks for sharing your gifts with the world ... and with me!" Love Angela
[additional client feedback with the individual titles]

Despite the fact that I am offering this on a very reasonable cost basis, this is powerful work. Experience our energy work and begin to (1) identify and release the kore issues, (2) reframe your perception and choose more joy and wellness NOW, (3) determine (with the new information you receive) if you are able to resolve matters more deeply on your own or would like to schedule work with mind-body feedback in a private session.

Purchase of any audios indicates that you have read and agree to the disclaimer I am required to share as a natural healer. If you have any questions in advance of your audio session purchase, please contact me. If you have long-term traumas, self-limiting beliefs, or chronic illness(es), please consider working with me one-on-one for your own unique healing codes.

You can utilize these powerful audio sessions repeatedly for deepest healing or on-demand. These are powerful sessions and this type of Perspective Reboot® healing is cumulative and multidimensional. Therefore, DO NOT engage with me in this spiritual and theta brain repatterning while driving or operating dangerous machinery.

For best results, please drink plenty of water before (and for 24 hours after) your audio session. You may also wish to have a journal and pen in order to make notes of any insights which come to you during our work. Also plan to drink more water for at least 24 hours after your session. I suggest you work with the session audio when you have at least an hour or so afterward to relax and integrate the work. Some clients notice immediate shifts and others a more delayed integration after up to two weeks. I suggest you set your own intention for gentle, trusting Grace or accelerated progress. Claim and be in your power!

NEW OPPORTUINITY! INSTANT Phone or Chat Session for Healing or Spiritual Guidance

Option for Email Support

On-Demand Call and Chat services FAQs found here.

DISCLAIMER ~ Call 911 should you have a medical emergency. NEVER purchase my sessions for use while operating a vehicle or other heavy equipment. Healing Resonance llc with Kristi Borst shouldn't be used to solely diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or psychological disorder. I am an ordained Minister and Reiki Master, certified in physio/spiritual massage and other natural healing modalities. I am not a licensed doctor, therapist, chiropractor, lawyer or financial advisor. For those services, please consult the appropriate licensed professionals. I am able to communicate with and affect mind/body/spirit with your readiness to change and let go. The "healing resonance" and "energy work" I offer assists your own healing abilities. Please ask any questions in advance of your purchase. Client feedback and testimonials do not constitute a warranty, guarantee or prediction of your outcome. We partner for your healing and much depends upon you. All sales are final; please ask any questions in advance of your transaction. Love and light, Kristi